A Good Yarn

SO last Thursday I went to the super cool yarn shop in Brookline Village, A Good Yarn.  It was super nice, they let me browse to my heart’s content, and I bought a little present for Jessie!  (And a little present for myself). 

 Jessie’s present

The two in front are roving.  I can’t remember the color they were called, but they’re sooo pretty!  The on to the left is Noro Kureyon (I can’t remember what color it is), and the one in the back is Malabrigo.  Soooo pretty! 

The shop overall was a bit overwhelming, which I of course Loved!  They don’t carry that many different colors of the Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Cotton which is a fault, I grant you, but the women were super nice. 

THEN- on the T ride home I was knitting, and this woman was standing across from me, and she started telling me all about the yarn shop I was just in and how much she likes it and how she had never knit before, but she took the beginning knitting class there and feel in love.  It was a really nice story, and I was sad when I had to get off. 

I got myself a skein of noro which I’m thinking about turning into Foliage.  We’ll see if I ever finish the Foliage I am working on now. 


OOOH! And in other news- Jessie and I are a square together in Rhinebeck Bloggers Bingo!!!  SO EXCITING! 

I’m a square!

AND I’m working on my Rhinebeck scarf.  I’ll post more about it after lunch!

Foliage is my favorite thing about Autumn

So I went to Georgia this weekend for my cousins wedding and as we were leaving for the airport I just couldn’t find the other skeins of the blue sky alpaca organic cotton in pebble for my mother’s cowl!  (don’t worry I found them after we got home last night in my yarn bin- where of course I didn’t look) ANYWAY-


 I decided to start Foliage from Knitty Fall 2007.  I have this awesome yarn that Jessie spun, so I decided that would be perfect for a laid back project for me!  It is my first lace project, and I had a migraine on the flight home, so I didn’t knit at all.  It’s going a little slower than I would like, but it’s really fun!!

Foliage Top

This is the crown finished.  I am now working just on the body of the hat.  Unfortunately on the T this morning I did the wrong lace row, so I had to pull out the entire row during lunch and I only got one row done!  It was a little depressing, but it was really hard to rip out with all of the decreases and yarn overs.  Here’s a close up of the pattern:

Foliage close up

I’m a little worried about the pattern coming out correctly, but I just keep knitting!  I got a little turned around when I started the smaller chart of the body, but I am getting it more.  I’m excited to see it finished!  And the yarn is so nice, and it will look so great with the scarf Jessie gave me!!

scarf and my mouth